Verdi EcoSchool is committed to building a healthy community...
one garden at a time.
The Verdi EcoSchool is a not for profit, urban farm school in the Eau Gallie Arts District of Melbourne, Florida and the first school of its kind in the southeastern United States. Our unique project and place-based educational philosophy earned us the prestigious Drexel Fellowship which recognizes schools of innovation and promise nationwide.
Founded as a 501c3 not for profit in 2016, EcoSchool is leading a movement of transformative change on the Space Coast. Nestled on the banks of the Indian River Lagoon, the Verdi EcoSchool uses the community as its campus creating an engaging and immersive learning environment for children where real life learning and hands-on experiences shape tomorrow's innovators. Students develop an awareness of their unique place and learn that school doesn't just happen at a desk, in a classroom or within four walls.
Meaningful partnerships with prominent organizations like the Brevard Cultural Alliance, Florida Tech, the Brevard Zoo and the Florida Historical Society have amplified our impact while extending our roots deep into the community. The vision of the Verdi EcoSchool is to cultivate an experience which improves our understanding of how healthy communities grow while showing our children that change within their universe is not out of reach.
Learn how to make a monthly gift or donate today!

EcoSchool campus gardens producing over 1000 pounds of food each year for communioty members in need.

Free story time at community gathering spaces to get children and families outdoors.

Partnership with Brevard Cultural Alliance and AMI KIDS to build a garden at Heritage High School.

herb Garden
Intergenerational project to bring an herb garden to assisted living residence Victoria Landing
Interested in contributing appreciated securities or mutual funds?
The Community Foundation for Brevard can help us receive those contributions. Please email ayana@verdiecoschool.org or the Community Foundation directly at 321-752-5505.
Do you know anyone 70 ½ or older with IRA accounts?
Instead of taking a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), eligible donors can make a gift from their IRA directly to Verdi Eco School as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) – tax free.
Learn more about this option by clicking HERE.